Hey, how's it going? We had a pretty good week this week. Elder B and I get along really well and we are really good friends. We don't really do too much on P-days, everyone once in a while will go see something but pretty rarely.
No, I wish that was a real fox (in the picture last week). That park that we were at just has cardboard cut-outs of animals out in the snow along the trail, its kind of strange actually, but it was a cool picture. So needless to say we saw all kinds of stuff while we were there, foxes, bears, elk, you name it. All the snow melted this week, there is still a chilly wind sometimes, but I hope the snow is gone forever.
P is doing well. Last Sunday morning he had to take his daughter to the hospital (it seems like Russians go to the hospital for every little thing), so that is why he didn't show at church or for the lesson. And we had a really good week with him, he has already read the Book of Mormon through 3rd Nephi, and he has a really strong testimony of its truthfulness. He really want to be baptized and the only thing holding him back is smoking, so we are still working on it, but he's not giving up.
We watched conference this weekend. I ended up watching three of the sessions in Russian because we had investigators there, and I watched the other 2 in English. One line that the prophet said that really stood out to me, I believe it was during the priesthood session was about how a mission is a family affair, and about all of the sacrifices that people at home make, and it really touched me, so thank you all for that, especially Mom.
We had a really good turnout at conference for investigators. V came to all four sessions, and that was great for him. He had his notebook out the whole time and we met with him Sunday night and just went over all of his questions. He is coming along well. P and Z came to the Sunday morning session and M made it to the Sunday afternoon session. A was a no show :(
The Betzel family had us over last Monday night and fed us dinner, it was really good, we rarely eat full meals at members' houses, so that was really cool of them and we had a good time.
Other than that, nothing really special, we have just been working with those investigators and just trying to find more in the other time we have.
M is ready to be baptized, but he told us he doesn't want to yet because he wants to get a job as a police officer, but if they know he is a Mormon then they won't give him the job. So we are going to keep working with him and see if that is really the issue and how we are going to solve that.
Well that is really all I can think of. It's been really easy to stay focused and it doesn't even seem like I'm leaving soon. It's nice to have a good handful of people whom we see regularly that I can constantly think about, study for, pray for. It is still frustrating when they don't make the progress that you expect, but it has been a really good time on the mission comparative to other times.
Ok well thats all I can think of. Have a good week
Elder Topham